Sunday, April 11, 2010

And now for something completely different

I'm pretty glad politics have taken a backseat on Facebook lately. It was getting old hating my friends. I have a couple other conservative friends who manage to be much less vocal about things. Not that you shouldn't speak your mind, but when it devolves into, "You're wrong!" and "No, YOU are so the wrong one", nothing is really getting solved.

The weather here is insanely gorgeous. Even when I'm already outside, I'm like, "Damn, I should get outside!" In general I enjoy the outdoors, but from my cozy house, looking out the window. Weather like this makes me think I should actually DO something. The downside is all the MFing pollen. I really never had allergies before but for the past 3 days I can't talk. I feel mostly fine, but I have no voice. It's so disconcerting not being able to talk--I don't even feel like myself. I got to meet beloved blogger Bossy and I was really hoping she'd love me and tell her audience how I'm the coolest blog-reader in the metro-Atlanta area, but no such luck. I was barely audible, and what I did say was mostly Monster/vodka-induced dumbassery. Manuel's doesn't have Red Bull, but they do have Monster, but there's really no good way to order that. I seriously said to the waitress, "Yeah I need another Vodka Monster....raaawwwr". And then I died, because that's retarded and I should not be allowed in public.

I had to call in to work my past 3 shifts, so now my stats will be in the toilet. I always thought being an independent contractor sounded so glamorous and flexible, At least not in my line of work. I have been applying to real jobs lately, but I don't know how I really feel about that. I only own jeans anymore, I have a visible tattoo, and I am definitely not removing my nose ring. I also don't particularly feel like driving somewhere every day, or working M-F, 8-5. I know, I know, those are all things that most people have to do. But I also know that the people who do those things bitch about it constantly. Then again, I bitch constantly anyway soooo...6 of one, right?

I'm pretty sure I told Zach to make a pot of coffee (who's Bossy now, am i right?) and it should be ready, so I'm gonna go and drink it up and hope it cures my throat malady. Have a super day, kids.

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