My friend who I bitched about constantly? I feel bad for her, man. Her husband has a pornography addiction (who doesn't?!) and they're going through some shit. If I were the husband I'd be like, "Hey! Get a job! Then you can tell me what to do!", but...I'm not, so I guess they'll work it out. I admit, it sounds pretty fun to get to stay home all day nursing your babe on your teat and watching soaps, but it would make me feel like an absentee member of the team, I think. Or like some kind of leech. Perhaps it would make me feel much like the members of our society who rely on others to pay for their healthcare, even! ZING!
Zach and I rented that movie UP on Netflix and I think I made it 20 minutes before I was bawling my eye-bawls (durr) out. The disc is still in the dvd-player, paused indefinitely. I'm a shitty movie-watcher.
Okay looks like I ran out of steam already. I'm way better when I'm mad, I guess. Also I'm always terrified the things I say will leak out into my real life and then I'll be done for. I got myself into big trouble that way in former blogs and my Twitter account, hence that bitch being privatized now. Turns out Zach's sister doesn't think it's funny that I find her child to be quality birth control. Whoops!
Later, skaters.
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