Friday, March 19, 2010

OMFG I can't take it anymore

I really didn't mean for this to become a blog mostly about how I secretly hate one of my friends. I hate LOTS of things and would like to focus on some of those sometimes. But this is fucking killing me.

P Here's one way the Democrats want to pay for health care. You tell me if this seems right. Hint: if you think this is right, you're wrong.
about an hour ago · ·
Currently, the Medicare payroll tax is 2.9% on all wages -- with the worker and his employer each paying 1.45%.

The reconciliation bill, like the Senate bill, would raise the percentage paid by high-income individuals by 0.9 percentage points, so an individual would pay 2.35% on his wages.

The reconciliation bill, however, also would subject the investment income of high-income households, such as dividends, interest and rent, to a 3.8% Medicare tax.
about an hour ago

In other words, for those of you in la-la land; those who don't need Medicare will pay for those who do. There's you some incentive to be successful and become wealthy. That's right! Work hard, provide for your family a good life and get robbed by the federal government to pay for someone else what they should pay themself.
59 minutes ago

Fabulous! I already love it that you pay that much for Medicare, which neither you nor your dependents use. I will love it even more when your more of your hard earned money is taken away from you and your dependents. Success will only be punished in the US of A.

Guess what, fuckfaces! The people who need Medicare CANNOT pay for it! That's kind of the whole point! In this country, like it or not (if you don't like it you can get out! Isn't that what the Bush-lovers [hee!] used to say to us when we complained?), there are services you may not use that you have to help pay for. It's called living in a fucking civilized society. I've never ever had to call a firetruck. Maybe only people who have fires should pay for a fire station! I've never called the cops either, so all you police-needing people can pay for that! What is so bad about helping someone who is less fortunate? Seriously, what? Does that not-even-1% really make a huge dent in your income? Are you REALLY that much of a selfish prick that the thought of helping someone who can't help themselves pisses you off?

I just don't get it. I really don't.

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